Tri Force Heroes' new tell-all trailer brings the puns and tears


Crying princesses, typical Nintendo

I really wish I hadn’t seen this new tell-all trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroesbecause now I’m both incredibly pumped and disappointed. I’m pumped because I didn’t realize the game has online matchmaking, 32 dungeons, and a competitive coliseum that rewards winners with items to create new magical clothing. YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

I’m disappointed Nintendo decided to make the story about a rich princess who is now a damsel in distress because a curse robbed her of her style, leaving her only with a onesie. Another Nintendo game with a damsel-in-distress trope, which is strange for the Zeldaseries since it is known for having strong female characters. Honestly, this looks like it could be the worst Zeldastory since the CD-i games, which is saying a lot.

Even if the story isn’t all that interesting, I know I’ll be picking up The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroeswhen it releases in the US later this month on the 3DS.