Tripwire Interactive is starting to do internal livestreams, bringing bug fixes to Killing Floor 2


Quality of life update

I’m starving for more content in Tripwire Interactive’s Killing Floor 2. Over the holiday break, I put a bunch of time into it and have almost maxed out all of my perks. While I’m looking forward to new weapons and classes like everyone else, a bug fix/balance update would also be very welcome.

This week, Tripwire has put up a work-in-progress changelog for an upcoming patch. The fixes range from quality of life changes such as ammo boxes not being picked up when your ammunition and grenades are full, to Zeds’ ranged attacks no longer being able to open doors. You can find the whole list here. There aren’t any balance changes yet (microwave gun is still gonna be way too strong), so hopefully that’s next on the to-do list.

Also of note is that the mod tools are coming, and both servers and API clients will be able to subscribe to maps and mods. You won’t be seeing as many redirects from now on. Tripwire hosted an internal holiday game jam to inspire fresh ideas within the office, and it’s going to put up some of the best ideas on the workshop for players to try out.

Since Tripwire has received criticism for not communicating enough with Early Access buyers, it’s going to start hosting an internal livestream, in which members of the team will answer questions and show off new content. You’ll be able to find that here when it starts next week.

WWAUT – Modding Workshop [Tripwire Interactive Forums]