Tuesday Newsday: Sunset Overdrive, Xbox One for $399, Pok?mon, Snyder's Batman & H.R. Giger


Today, Max’s shirt is peach-colored.

It’s been quite a busy week of news, and here’s Max to shout moistly about it.

Gamers who are short a hundred bucks got some great news this morning with the announcement of an Xbox One sans Kinect, for a somewhat reasonable $399, coming June 9th. Sunset Overdrive has been revealed properly, and hot snacks, it looks like a good time. Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire are getting the 3DS treatment, Never Alonelooks really lovely, and a new Unreal Tournament could be quite a lot of fun, especially for free. Dying Light and the console version of Elder Scrolls Online are being delayed. We get our first look at Zak Snyder’s Batman and Batmobile, and H.R. Giger has gone to that great big derelict spacecraft in the sky.