Tune in to the final day of CEO 2015


All the fighting games you could want

CEO 2015 has been underway all weekend, and today is the peak of all the hype. Just about any fighting game you could ever want to watch will be streamed today with some of the best players in the world competing. The events are already underway, with Super Smash Bros. Melee and Killer Instinctstarting now. The entire schedule can be viewed here.

The games are spread out over multiple streams, so make sure you study that schedule well and head to the right one! Personally, I’ll be watching the finals for both of the Super Smash Bros.games, as well as some Killer Instinct. I’ve pretty much given up on Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, and I’ve yet to see Mortal Kombat Xplayed in any professional capacity so that could prove interesting.