Two weeks until State of Decay's Breakdown DLC drops


Available on Steam and Xbox Live Arcade

The first DLC for State of Decay is gearing up to release on Friday, November 29 for $6.99 on Xbox Live Arcade and Steam. Breakdown is more of an endless survival mode — it’s actually separate from the game’s main story — with unlockable hero characters and a rising difficulty as you move into new areas. People have been asking for this stuff and I can see why.

The above trailer gives a quick glimpse at the DLC, but Undead Labs also has an extended playthrough viewable here. Seems like a nice addition to the core State of Decay experience. A title update is planned for Xbox 360 on Nov. 29, and the Steam update for custom key bindings will be out before Breakdown.

State of Decay: Breakdown Coming November 29th [Undead Labs]