Uber is trying its hand at tower defense with Toy Rush


Look for it at the PAX Prime Indie Megabooth

The next game from the makers of Monday Night Combat and the upcoming Planetary Annihilation is going in an altogether different direction. Toy Rush is a card-centric tower defense title built for mobile devices. If, like me, this is one of the first things you’re seeing to kick your day off proper, be prepared for an overwhelming amount of cute.

The one thing that does jump out at me here — besides who’s developing the game, of course — is the ol’ asynchronous multiplayer hook. In Toy Rush, players have their own individual base and can go on the offensive to steal resources from others as well as take a more defensive position. I’m also admittedly a sucker for the premise of toys mucking about.

Look for this among the 80+ games featured in the Indie Megabooth at PAX Prime. Jeez!