Ubi celebrates ten years of Far Cry with PS3 compilation


Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3, and Blood Dragon

Say you’re saddled with the unfortunately specific desire to play a series of videogames on one disc where you catch Malaria, watch your brother get killed, and run through a neon-swathed post-nuclear warscape collecting VHS tapes. That’s a ridiculous set of restrictions, and it sounds nigh impossible, right? Not for long.

Ubisoft’s releasing the Far Cry Compilationfor PS3 on February 11, 2014. This pack includes Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3, and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. Far Cry 2will be a digital remaster of the game and feature its full singleplayer, multiplayer, and all patches.Far Cry 3 will include the main campaign, multiplayer, and co-op modes.

This compilation set will retail for $39.99. Curiously, Ubisoft only named the one platform, so it looks to be exclusive to the PS3. Still, it’s a collection of some seriously fun games.