Ubisoft is well aware of Assassin's Creed Unity issues


Fixes are on the way

Assassin’s Creed Unity is a bit of a train wreck at the moment. The Parisian playground is plagued with a myriad of glitches, most of which aren’t as fun or hilarious as the nightmare fuel pictured above. Understandably, many players are frustrated about the situation.

Ubisoft knows. Oh boy, Ubisoft knows. The publisher is fielding a laundry list of complaints, and has announced a patch is already in the works. When is it coming? Not soon enough, probably.

When it eventually does, the remedies will target protagonist Arno randomly falling through the ground, crashes when joining co-op sessions, Arno getting caught inside hay carts, and delays getting to the game’s main menu screen. Ubisoft is also looking into reports of frame rate issues, various graphical and collision hitches, and problems stemming from the “Helix Credits” currency.

At least it’s out in time for the holidays, though…

Assassin’s Creed Unity Live Update [Ubisoft]