Ubisoft: It'll take the average player 35-40 hours to beat Watch Dogs


‘But doing everything is close to 100’

Do we still care about game lengths? Really, truly care? (I say “we” as if we’re some sort of hive mind, which obviously and thankfully isn’t the case.) Probing for Watch Dogs information on Twitter, a fan asked how long it would take to clear the game’s story mode.

“I would say the average player which does free roam a bit [tends] to reach the end within 35-40h,” replied creative director Jonathan Morin. “But doing everything is close 100h. And these don’t really consider online stuff in the mix…”

For a certain type of player, that’s going to be grand news. Having grown accustomed to shorter, sub-four-hour games that don’t outstay their welcome in recent years, however, I’m not so sure Watch Dogs will be able to hold my attention for quite that long.

[Via Eurogamer]