Ubisoft offers refunds, free games after 'deceptive marketing'


Also an obnoxious non-apology

Promotional materials for Ubisoft’s recently released Might & Magic Heroes VII promised a physical, disc copy of the game would be included with the $100 limited edition, as documented in detail on Imgur.

As it turns out, the big box doesn’t even contain a download code for the game, but rather required buyers (at least ones in the United States) to contact Ubisoft to add the game to their Uplay accounts.

In response, Ubisoft has owned up, and is offering complete refunds for upset players and a free game (digital, PC) as way of apology. The offering includes: Far Cry 4, Assassin’s Creed Rogue, The Crew, Toy Soldiers: War Chest Hall of Fame Edition, and Zombi.

The company also did a statement non-apology, saying, “Ubisoft regrets any confusion created by the marketing materials from our Might and Magic Heroes VII Collector’s Edition. We understand that some customers in North America were not aware the Collector’s Edition delivered digital versions of the game and soundtrack. Ubisoft apologizes for any frustration and disappointment resulting from these items being in digital format vs. physical format.”

Seriously, “some customers in North America were not aware”? You mean, you led them to believe otherwise. “We’re sorry that you believed what we told you.” This is like the, “never say sorry or admit fault” after you get in a fender bender.

Ubisoft uses misleading advertising for Heroes of Might & Magic 7 Collector’s Edition in the US and refuses refunds to disappointed customers [Imgur]