Ubisoft's new Child of Light: Squaresoft-styled JRPG


Wild, isn’t that right?

Okay, Ubisoft. You have my interest as well as my suspicions.

Ubisoft Montreal has a “small” 30 person team working on a Squaresoft-styled, 2D side-scrolling JRPG called Child of Light. The title is being helmed by Patrick Plourde, director of Far Cry 3 and uses the UbiArt Framework that Rayman Origins and Legends are made in. The small project has, “some of the most senior team members in the company,” on staff, according to Plourde, via Edge Online. Many are apparently getting a reprieve from working on Assassin’s Creed games.

Edge also notes, “Around a third of that team are women, the highest ever female/male ratio on a project at Ubisoft Montreal,” which is a neat tidbit, especially because Child of Light‘s protagonist is a woman. It appears another similarly small-scale title is also in the works and currently under wraps.

Checklist: Squaresoft, JRPGs, UbiArt, Far Cry 3, and reprieve from Assassin’s Creed. If it looks half as good as Rayman Origins, is half as discussable as Far Cry 3, has half the heart of Squaresoft JRPGs, and is as far removed from Assassin’s Creed as humanly possible, my hopes are high. The downloadable title is slated for winter release. Are you as interested as I am? As suspicious? Can’t wait for a better look in a couple of weeks.

Ubisoft Montreal’s Child Of Light is a new JRPG-inspired game built with UbiArt [Edge Online]