UK Pokemon GO player busted after driving 14 miles during lockdown


Pokemon Stop

As you may or may not be aware, Britain is currently in its third lockdown, due to the nation’s inability to keep the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic under even the most rudimentary control. Despite the climbing numbers, and efforts from authorities to keep Brits indoors, rules are being frequently broken by said authorities and the public alike.

Example: An unnamed Bedworth-based man was stopped by Warwickshire police after traveling 14 miles down the M6 motorway to the town of Kenilworth. The reason? Tracking critters in Niantic’s mobile title Pokemon GO. According to a report by the BBC, the man was fined £200 for the infraction, which contravened “the requirement to not leave or be outside the place they live without a reasonable excuse.”

As reported by Eurogamer, Essex police put out a social media post just last week chastising UK Pokemon GO players for breaking lockdown legislation. The post was pulled following debates over whether playing the augmented reality game breaks the UK’s incredibly-shaky lockdown rules, which allow people to leave the house for “exercise”, but not for “recreation”. Pokemon GO players argued that playing counts as exercising.

“Everyone has a part to play in ensuring they slow the spread of the virus,” said a police spokesperson in response to the Bedford case. “We would like to remind people they must not leave or be outside their home unless they have a reasonable excuse.”

Or unless you’re a Tory minister, right kids? /bitingsatire