Uncanny Valley '101 Trailer' shows us the gory joys of working the night shift


‘I was watching. I saw the whole thing. First it started falling over, then it fell over.’

Do any of you remember the movie Nightwatch?

No, not the Russian one with the iffy sequel. I mean the one with Ewan McGregor as a security guard at the local morgue, constantly harrassed by a presumably drunken Nick Nolte and a serial killer. Well, Uncanny Valley reminds me a lot of that movie, by way of Jasper Byrne’s Lone Survivor.

As Tom, a security guard with a dark past, it’s your job to roam a scientific facility while sorting your life out. Every shift has a time limit, but you have complete freedom to go anywhere and stay out longer, choosing either to do your job or ignore your tasks as you snoop around. Of course, you might not like what you find.

It’s a genuinely interesting premise: playing on our desire to uncover the unknown while juggling the mundane. Every choice seemingly has a psychological consequence, every injury will slow you down. Part-point and click, part-free flow decision making, all survival horror, Uncanny Valley offers a lot options in such a small space of time.

No word on an exact release date beyond April 2015, but you can pre-order it from Humble Store for £6.49 (complete with Steam key), and download an older demo in the meantime.