Urban Trial Freestyle is this week's PS Plus game


Something else to play on PS Vita, I suppose

January is a terrific month for PlayStation Plus members with titles like Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons (PS3) and Don’t Starve (PS4). But we’re still a week off! The last addition to the Instant Game Collection for 2013 is Urban Trial Freestyle for PS Vita. Look for it tomorrow.

This obviously isn’t as glamorous as what’s coming in the new year, however, the game is one I doubt as many people have played, so there’s always that. Think off-brand Trials HD and you’re getting close. In his review, Chris called Urban Trial Freestyle “a serviceable game. It’s just a shame that a little more couldn’t have been done to make Freestyle leap ahead of the pack.”

PlayStation Plus: Urban Trial Freestyle Free on Vita for Members [PlayStation Blog]