Valve approves 100 new titles on Steam Greenlight


Now this is progress

Valve has been candid about Steam Greenlight not being where it ought to be yet. There’s been talk of wanting to fix bottlenecks in the system so that more games can get approved which, more recently, has resulted in more frequent, smaller batches. Today, the company is letting 100 titles through as a way to stress test backend improvements.

The full list is over here, but I’ll throw out some quick, I-just-woke-up highlights: Chroma Squad, C-Wars, Croixleur, Delver’s Drop, Escape Goat, Legend of Iya, Mutant Mudds, Oniken, Shantae: Risky’s Revenge, Super Amazing Wagon Adventure, Teslagrad, and Toribash.

“This latest milestone is both a celebration of the progress we’ve made behind the scenes and a stress test of our systems,” writes Valve. “Future batches are not likely to be as large, but if everything goes smoothly we should be able to continue increasing the throughput of games from Greenlight to the Steam store.”

[Thanks, Jake]