Valve joins the Linux Foundation


Linux is the future

Valve just joined the Linux Foundation, a non-profit group that focuses on the development of the open source operating system. Mike Sartain of Valve made the statement that “Joining the Linux Foundation is one of many ways Valve is investing in the advancement of Linux gaming. Through these efforts, we hope to contribute tools for developers building new experiences on Linux, compel hardware manufacturers to prioritize support for Linux, and ultimately deliver an elegant and open platform for Linux users.”

Joining the Linux Foundation will allow the company to have a part in the future of Linux, and it will be able to weigh in on design decisions. Valve is the one of the only gaming-focused company in the Foundation, and since Valve is pushing to have PC gaming switch over to Linux, it should be able to give some good advice to the group on what gamers need from the OS.

Valve has its own flavor of Linux, SteamOS, in the works, and they are already working with developers to get more games available on the platform. Valve is also working with hardware manufacturers to roll out SteamOS based Steam Machines next year.

Cloudius Systems, HSA Foundation and Valve Join Linux Foundation [Linux Foundation]