Valve releases SteamVR beta for Oculus Rift users


You can look at Steam through virtual reality

Valve has released a beta version of the SteamVR for the Oculus Rift. Valve programmer Joe Ludwig details how users will install and use the new beta over the on Steam forums for those of you interested.

So what can you do with this now? Why interact with the Steam user interface in virtual reality land! This is just the first of a major step for Valve on their push into the virtual reality space. Valve’s Dev Days is currently taking place in Seattle, and they have a very heavy focus on the virtual reality space.

Is virtual reality the future of gaming? Will all our significant others be operating systems? Does the Iron Throne belong to Daenerys Targaryen? These are the questions on my mind tonight, Destructoid.

[Image by Imogen Scoppie]