Valve teases Steam living-room news for next week


‘The Steam Universe is Expanding in 2014’

Following Valve’s Gabe Newell talking about the company’s interest in bringing Linux to the living room, a teaser site has appeared. There are three announcements planned, according to Valve, with the first happening on Monday morning.

“Last year, we shipped a software feature called Big Picture, a user-interface tailored for televisions and gamepads,” reads the site. “This year we’ve been working on even more ways to connect the dots for customers who want Steam in the living-room. Soon, we’ll be adding you to our design process, so that you can help us shape the future of Steam.”

These announcements are said to be about making Steam “more accessible on televisions and in the living room.” Everyone’s counting on this to be the big hardware reveal, but even if it isn’t, I’m still interested. PC gaming on a big screen is a mighty cool thing to experience.