Videos of hacked Splatoon 2 show off playable Octolings


No longer a squid, now, but still a kid, now

One of the anticipated features of Splatoon 2‘s upcoming Octo Expansion DLC will be the opportunity to play as Octoling characters in battle. The option will become available to players once they complete the 80 missions contained with the expansion’s single-player content.

However, sneaky peeps have already gotten ahead of the game, hacking some of Splatoon 2’s code to check out the new contenders ahead of their official release. Videos of the male octoling in action have been uploaded to YouTube. You can check them out below.

Octo Expansion, which launches this Summer for the Switch shooter, will bring a host of new features to Splatoon 2. As well as the aforementioned single-player mode, there will also be new music, gear, modes and weaponry added to the colourful multiplayer title.