Want more Street Fighter on Switch? Ono says to bug Nintendo


What a trickster

Yoshinori Ono attended EGX recently and had a few things to say about his Street Fighterseries during the Q&A portion of his panel (roughly 38:00 in).

In case you forgot (how could you, he carries a Blanka figurine with him wherever he goes!), Ono is a huge Blanka fan, so naturally he was asked about Blanka in Smashby a fan. Ono replied that Sakurai either doesn’t know who Blanka is or he hates him, so that’s why he hasn’t been considered yet. Obviously Ono is saying this in jest, but in all likelihood Street Fighter‘s representation in Smash Ultimateis probably done.

More importantly, what about Street Fighterrepresentation on Switch at all? Well after being asked about Street Fighter IV/Vports on Switch, Ono stated: “can you go over to the Nintendo booth and maybe just shout that at the VIPs backstage…because they’re the ones you need to talk to, not me. Even our previous Nintendo title (Ultra Street Fighter II), Nintendo came to us to and said we want to do something with Street Fighter II, because it’s been 25 years since we did something with Nintendo consoles, so mob that booth.”

I appreciate Ono’s enthusiasm, but hopefully whoever the hell is responsible for bringing more Street Fighterto Switch (both parties) can get it together at some point. A $40 remix of SFIIand a collection aren’t enough. His next idea for a crossover game though? I can get behindDC versus Capcom. I’d loveto see some older school character models for DC characters inline with Marvel Vs. Capcom 1/2/3.

EGX 2019 [Twitch]