Want to play a zombie game by Romero? Check out Aftermath


The other Romero’s son, that is

Romero’s Aftermath, George. C. Romero’s MMO survival horror game, releases today in open beta.

Film director George C. is the son of George A., who you’ll know from feisty romcoms like Night of the Living Dead.

The game offers both PvP and PvE action, fully-explorable towns, crafting, base building, and item trade and customisation. And it looks kind of amazing.

The only purchasable items are “cosmetic skins, customizations, and boosts that allow players to acquire certain in-game items more quickly (if they don’t have the time to put into exploring). However, every item can be acquired during play by exploring, looting, trading or defeating other survivalists.”

“I’ve long been a fan of survival horror games and when I had the opportunity to collaborate onAftermath, I jumped at the chance to bring my experience working on horror films into a new medium,” said George C. Romero. “Free Reign has built a great title that I think players are going to love, whether they’re new to the survival horror genre or a huge fan like myself.”

“Working with Cameron onAftermathis a dream come true for anyone developing a survival-horror game,” said Adam Skidmore, Aftermath‘s design lead. “His knowledge and expertise in the genre combined withAftermath‘s unique gameplay experience will usher in a new era of what survival horror MMOs can be, and we look forward to seeing how players respond to the game.”

You can download the game from its official site oron Steam.

InRomero’s Aftermath, “gameplay is strictly ‘Free to Win,’ which means what happens to a player depends solely on their skills.”

Which also means I’m boned and will never win.