Want to watch The Order: 1886's story without having to play it?


You can do that

The Order: 1886 was well known for two things: being a PlayStation 4 exclusive in a time before Bloodborne was available and being pretty. Note the things not on that list: gameplay and story. Still, if you want to experience the story without having to actually play through the game, YouTube user Andy Gilleand has you covered.

As he has done before with The Last of Us, Batman: Arkham, Assassin’s Creed, and Uncharted, he has spliced together all of the cutscenes while leaving out those pesky gameplay bits that get in the way of the movie experience. The running time for The Order: 1886 (The Movie) is pretty long (three and a half hours!), so make sure you get snacks and go potty before hitting play.