Wasteland 2 delayed, beta begins for backers in October


Release date will be based off beta tester feedback

I haven’t backed too many games on Kickstarter, but when I saw the campaign forWasteland 2, it was a relative no-brainer. Brian Fargo and inXile entertainment really seem to know how to create a great Kickstarter and turned me into a backer without any previous Wastelandexperience. However, poor planning can happen to cool people, just like we saw with Double Fine’s Broken Age.

Big funding means bigger games, so the almost $3 million from Wasteland 2‘s Kickstarter campaign has forced the team to push back the release date, originally set for this October. Instead, a beta will begin for certain backers in October, with the release date to be set after feedback from the fans comes back. Mr. Fargo does make it a point to mention that the project will “remain well financed for development, thus allowing us to ship a product without compromise.” So all of that money isn’t going to waste, instead making a bigger, better, and further away final product. I can’t wait!