Watch this crafty space pirate avoid the cops in Elite: Dangerous


It’s like Smokey and the Bandit meets Red October. In space!

Remember kids, crime doesn’t pay. That is unless you find illicit liquor floating in space and decided to slowly sneak into a space station without the cops seeing you. In which case, it very much pays. YouTube user Isinona has been playing the Elite: Dangerous beta and recorded some video of this crafty set of moves that resemble Smokey and the Bandit meets Hunt for Red October. In space!

It begins with Isinona leaving a docking station and finding some contraband alcohol floating in space, no doubt the cargo from a pirate ship that was destroyed by the station security ships. After picking up the cargo, Isinona knows that security will be on his ship really quickly, so he turns off his engines to avoid being picked up by sensors.

There’s a haunting few minutes as his ship drifts unpowered away from the station and its security but now there’s the small matter of selling the contraband. That involves making the jump to another system with a black market and making an unpowered dock with that station. If you’re not into space games, this might all seem a bit boring but it’s hugely exciting for me.

I was always too much of a chicken to try big-scale smuggling and piracy in the old Elite but it looks like the systems in Elite: Dangerous are going to offer the flexibility and depth that will let you at least try to bend the law.

Holiday Space Japes – Elite Dangerous Smuggling Video [Rock, Paper, Shotgun]