WB reveals what's left in the Batman: Arkham Knight Season Pass


Two episodes, four missions, and junk

I can’t believe we’re still talking about Batman: Arkham Knight. I mean, that’s what an elongated Season Pass will do you to, I guess.

Anyway, so far the Season Pass has been a massive disappointment. All three of the “episodes” so far have been middling (Quinn, Red Hood, and Batgirl), and the rest is just a bunch of skins for Batman and the Batmobile. WB has explained what’s left, and it looks like there’s more content lined up for November and December.

Firstly, “Catwoman’s Revenge” and “A Flip of a Coin” (with Robin) are coming next month. They are episodes, so they’re likely going to feature those characters in a playable fashion, and will last anywhere from 15-30 minutes. In December, the “Most Wanted” expansion is coming, which consists of missions from four big bads — Killer Croc, Mister Freeze, Mad Hatter, and Ra’s Al Ghul. These seem more promising, as the Most Wanted bits were one of the best parts of Arkham Knightproper. Character selection is also coming to AR Challenges this month.

So yeah, that’s what you spent $40 on.

Batman: Arkham Knight [WB Games]