We can't see the new Doom yet, but it sounds like a return to form


‘A demon just ripped the player’s arms off and beat him to death with them’

Bethesda said its big reveal of Doom — that is in fact “Doom,” not “Doom 4” — at QuakeCon would be for attendees only, not for us Internet ne’er-do-wells, but I still watched the QuakeCon stream like a sucker, anyway. When it came time for the Doom part of the presentation, id Software’s Tim Willits waved goodbye and the stream went offline. They really meant it!

Shaky-cam footage hasn’t shown up yet (it will; it must) but people have been livetweeting about the event’s single-player demonstration. No footage, but plenty of details to go on for now:

  • This is an “origin game” that’s “reimagining everything about the originals,” according to executive producer Matt Stratton.
  • It begins outside of a UAC research facility on Mars. There’s said to be brutal melee combat, with the player character ripping a guard’s arm off to use his finger on a hand scanner.
  • id is returning to “high-speed movement and run-and-gun,” says PC Gamer.
  • The chainsaw is back, as are exploding barrels. No regenerating health.
  • There’s multiplayer, but that’ll be detailed later.
  • The game runs on id Tech 6. 1080p, 60 frames per second supported.

So far, so good. Doom will launch on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

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