We should've seen it coming: The Medium delayed into 2021


It’s a medium-sized delay

What crummy fortunetellers and soothsayers we are. We couldn’t even predict The Medium‘s delay before it happened.

The Xbox Series X launch-window lineup took a not-insignificant hit as Bloober Team’s new horror game The Mediumgot pushed back into early 2021. Originally scheduled for December 10, 2020, it has been delayed until January 28, 2021. That’s a seven-week setback.

Bloober Team attributes the delay explicitly to COVID-19 and implicitly to the fact that Cyberpunk 2077swooped in and stole The Medium‘s launch date. You don’t need to be an industry analyst to know that going head-to-head with Cyberpunk 2077is the surest way to guarantee your game suffers a quick and unremarkable death.

In the meantime, the Krakow-based developer will be “adding polish.” The whole game’s Polish! This is the internet, where you can’t throw tomatoes at me.