Weird mo-cap kissing & more in Beyond: Two Souls video


Into the happenings of Willem Dafoe’s imagination

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to motion capture suits. They’re just so goofy. Coupled with little ball speckled faces, it’s always hilarious seeing people do things in them, especially acting because the serious tenor of emotive faces is undermined by the speckled balls.

This latest behind the scenes look at Beyond: Two Souls features its actors sittings in red velvet, throne-like chairs while talking about the production process. There are also plenty of shots of motion capture suits, then juxtaposed against the final, in-game product. We also have shots of the Special Edition’s steelbook case, a GameStop exclusive. The Special Edition comes with the soundtrack, an additional 30 minute playable scene, and a few other tidbits.

I still feel strangely like I know little about the game. I suppose with a narrative heavy focus there is only so much that can be divulged pre-release. Dale North’s recent playable hands-on with the game hints at a more action-oriented affair than Heavy Rain, supported by this surprisingly action-heavy trailer from E3.

That being said, I’m interested. I quite liked Heavy Rain, despite a vocal sect’s insistence on lambasting David Cage because it’s the hip thing to do. A lot of the game’s dramatic heft was undone by shoddy voice acting, so seeing Quantic Dream going all out on that front leaves my hopes high. Plus, Willem Dafoe! You should all go watch him in The Hunter, which is a staggeringly good film.