Well, at least the Bloodborne PS4 faceplate is better than the last two


I mean, it’s still not good…but the other one is better!

I was none too impressed with the PlayStation 4’s dalliance into customizable faceplates (apparently holding it to the New 3DS standard was unfair, too?).

But c’mon, those Order and LittleBigPlanet 3 faceplates were gauche advertisements with no style. The latter just clashed too hard with the system, the former was text-ridden.

The new Bloodborne faceplate, available here, could do without the text, but at least the designers are getting closer? I mean, the gray to black transition at the right is gross, too. Ok. This one is still pretty bad.

The PlayStation Symbols one looks hot, though! At least with that deceptive camera angle. Not sure why there’s no shot in full. Also, it is sold out.