What did you decorate your Zelda: Breath of the Wild house with?


I did the same thing as this person above

It took me several weeks to even realize that you could buy a house in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. From the looks of this recent reddit thread, a lot of folks didn’t even realize you could buy one at all. Madness!

There’s so much to explore in Breath of the Wildit can get pretty overwhelming. I didn’t even bother doing the bloatedKorok Seed questline at all and I have hundreds of hours of spelunking on my original save file, just trying to find Easter eggs, hidden loot troves, and other amazing gems — of which there are many.

But this discussion got me thinking — how did you all decorate your house? I did it just like this poster, with elemental swords adorned on the wall. I’ve seen some other great ideas like Bokoblin Arms that wiggle and try to grab you, but I want to hear your thoughts!

The best way to decorate your house? [Reddit]