What's the sickest alien you've seen in No Man's Sky?


Tell me about your discoveries

No Man’s Sky features a full universe with infinity +1 planets, most of which seem to be hospitable to some kind of plant and wildlife. A lot of times these creatures look the same, a randomly generated amalgamation of limbs and swim bladders.

But you got to treat it like Pokemon Go. Yes, there are Pidgeys and Rattatas and Zubats everywhere, but then you stumble on a Dragonite and it’s like hot damn. Over in the Qposts someone posted something that looked like a bull, horns and all, that fluttered about ground level on blackbird-sized wings.

Me, I’ve so far only found one body of water, and it was a pretty pitiful-sized pond. However, somehow that pond housed an enormous shark/crocodile thing that looked like a 30 year old artist rendering of aquatic dinos (about as big, too).

Because of its size relative to its pond, it seemed locked in a somewhat janky animation where it was repeatedly chomping at the pond floor, its tail jutting out of the water. A real goofball. I wandered closer, enough to fully submerse myself, and it swam toward me with teeth that looked like my rib cage and I peaced the fuck out of there.

What notable critters have you found?