Whoa! These Steel Assault gifs woke me right up


That zipline looks promising

It wasn’t until after Steel Assault‘s Kickstarter campaign had wrapped up and its developers had decided to shift the art direction that I became familiar with the retro-style action-platform game. This could well be your first time hearing about it. If so, good lord have I got some gifs for you!

In a self-described (and entirely fitting) “huge update” posted to Kickstarter this week, the developers shared what they’ve been up to these past six months or so. Notably, there’s now an eight-directional zipline move and a slide ability, both of which should keep movement feeling fluid.

“Even now, all of this is adding up to makeSteel Assaulta really fun and fast-paced experience — much more hectic than our original 8-bit inspirations of Shatterhand and Batman,” reads the team’s post.

“The closest thing I can compare it to is playing as Zero in some of the Mega Man games,when using the sword (as I do, whenever possible). It still feels unique and different, however, thanks to the zipline mechanic and the other variations in how our characters control.”

As for the original 8-bit artwork, it’ll live on elsewhere. It has found a new home in an upcoming metroidvania called Cyber Shadow, which all backers of Steel Assault will get for free upon release.

There are many more gifs in the post, so click away.

Huge update! [Kickstarter]