Wii U scores great-looking The Next Penelope


Port of top-down racing/action game confirmed

Former Arkedo co-founder Aurelien Regard’s The Next Penelope is looking hot, a sort of top-down F-Zero-like racer that’s also sometimes a boss-fighting shoot-’em-up. If you haven’t yet seen the first footage, you’ll want to get on that at your earliest convenience. Highly promising.

The project was announced for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Now it’s also in development for Wii U. The more platforms, the better, though I will say the game looks like a nice fit for the console.

Originally, Regard said he had hoped to bring The Next Penelope to consoles and handhelds so perhaps a PS Vita port is also a possibility. You’d like that, huh?

Aurelien Regard [Twitter via NeoGAF]