Witcher 3 delayed, Angry Birds gets Epic, and an Ouya game about Slavery


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Everyone’s off playing Titan Souls or Darkfall or whathaveyou, so news this week is a lot of non-news. The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt has been delayed, which sucks, but apparently won’t derail Cyberpunk 2077. Sony shakes its head and frowns on the subject of release dates for The Last Guardian and Drive Club, and apparently Watchdogs isn’t late, Ubisoft just told us about it really early. Angry Birds just took a turn for the turn-based, Halfbrick’s latest game is about a bear destroying precious works of art, and there’s an Ouya exclusive on the way where you play as an escaped slave. On the VR front, Valve’s head VR dude has gone over to Oculus, hopefully to develop ways to terrify stars of other HBO series, and Sony’s rumored to be revealing their virtual reality hat at GDC next week.

Also, check out this ridiculousLil Jon video.