World peace was a farce


Kojima weeps gently

It pains me to report that, no, all Metal Gear Solid Vplayers did not cast aside their nuclear arms in pursuit of world peace. We have been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok, and flat-out deceived.

Earlier this summer, the PS3 version ofMetal Gear Solid Vfinally realized Hideo Kojima’s ultimate goal as every player disarmed their nukes and world peace was achieved. It was peace on a smaller scale because PS3 doesn’t have the player count of PC or PS4, but it’s a start. For everynuke to be disarmed is a feat no matter the platform.

Konami had to rain on our parade. As Kotaku reports, Konami confirmed that the “All nukes destroyed” cutscene was triggered because of a trickster:

<About the Nuke Disarmament Event for PS3 (1/3) >The nuke disarmament event which took place July 28 2020 (JST) was not caused because the disarmament was achieved.

— METAL GEAR OFFICIAL (@Metalgear) October 13, 2020

<About the Nuke Disarmament Event for PS3 (3/3) >We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused for our players. We will announce again if additional measures are taken.

— METAL GEAR OFFICIAL (@Metalgear) October 13, 2020

The Banksy of video game hackers has been caught and banned. Gandhi — the one in Civ, not the real one — would be beaming with pride. We’ve achieved nothing.

It’s not like 2020 is overflowing with feel-good stories. Konami, couldn’t you just let us have this one? Ignorance is bliss, what you don’t know can’t hurt you, etc. Never, not even for just a few short minutes, have Metal Gear Solid Vplayers lived in peaceful harmony. It’ll almost certainly stay that way forever.

Actually,Metal Gear Solid VPlayers Didn’t Destroy Every Nuke In The PS3 Version, Konami Now Says [Kotaku]