Wow, a Humble Indie Bundle I'm going to buy


Bonus: Teleglitch is free to own!

It’s been some time since I’ve last gone in on a Humble Indie Bundle. These days, if a game is around long enough to wind up packaged at a discounted rate, it’s already made its way into my library, or I’m just not interested. The Humble Indie Bundle 13 strikes a good balance.

You can pay what you want for OlliOlli, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, and Tower of Guns — I highly recommend you do. The next tier up, approximately $6, adds Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs (nope!), Jazzpunk, four copies of Risk of Rain, and more games coming soon.

Next, at $12, you’ll get access to Shadowrun Returns. There’s also a $65 Fangamer Box ‘O Treats with physical goods like a hoodie, cards, and an audio cassette. Hey big spender.

Also: Teleglitch: Die More Edition is free to download and keep. Just provide an email address. Patrick had nice things to say about this beefed-up version.