Xbox boss Phil Spencer teases Xbox One new IPs, Japanese games


Set for E3 reveal

Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft’s Xbox division, dropped plenty of teases on Twitter for what we can expect at E3 2014.

The first is a bit obvious: Microsoft will announce new IP and new sequels at E3. That’s how you E3, right? Responses to the original tweet reveal that they’ll also announce new studios that they’re working with. The focus for this E3 for Microsoft is hardcore gamers, it seems.

There will even be some Japanese games! We won’t have to wait until Tokyo Game Show to see Japanese games for Xbox One, Spencer says. This last bit is very welcome news.

And maybe we’ll hear something early. Spencer said we’ll “get a couple of things before” E3, and that “May should be a good month for news.”

Thanks for the updates, Phil.