Also preview rewards!
When asked on Twitter what to expect in the upcoming Xbox One preview update, head of Microsoft’s Xbox division Phil Spencer replied “Preview is going to get interesting in the next few months. The members do a great job with the Quests etc, we’ll need it.”
Spencer’s tweet could be in reference to the fact that Windows 10 functionality — including Xbox One and PC cross-play as well as the ability to stream Xbox One games to your PC — is coming to Xbox One and surely requires public testing.
To help that process along, it looks like Microsoft is rolling out rewards for Xbox One preview members. Folks who are level six or above should receive aSMITE download code via a message from Xbox Live. Preview members can level up by completing surveys and quests in the Xbox Preview Dashboard app.
TheSMITEalphais the first reward to be given out based on levels in the preview program. For those unfamiliar with the game, it’s a free-to-play third-person MOBA and it is pretty darned fun. If you didn’t get into the SMITE alpha, you can always sign up forthe upcoming beta.
Phil Spencer[Twitter]