Xbox exclusives: Peggle 2 and PvZ: Garden Warfare



PopCap Games have a couple of their new games locked up with Microsoft. Announced today at a pre-gamescom press conference, both Peggle 2 and Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare are Xbox exclusives.

Peggle 2 comes to Xbox One exclusively later this year (at system launch), bringing new power-ups and modes as well as multiplayer play. Expect gesture controls using Xbox One’s Kinect. I hope it still has that awesome victory music fanfare.

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare will also hit the Xbox One first, and then follow on the Xbox 360, with an expected launch of Spring 2014. Here at gamescom they’re showing off a 24-player multiplayer mode. There are Xbox One exclusive 2-player split-screen co-op and Kinect and SmartGlass gameplay modes, too.