Xbox Live price hike arriving with dashboard update


The move from Microsoft Points will cost the customers

[Update: Microsoft has issued a statement about the pricing inconsistencies to Xbox One Daily. “We are aware that select regions experienced some incorrect game title pricing in the Xbox Live beta. This was an unintended error that we are in the process of fixing. We’ll be reimbursing impacted beta participants for the difference in what was paid and what the price will be after the update is available to all members.]

There was much rejoicing when Microsoft’s awful Monopoly Money economy was scheduled for a trip down the toilet, but apparently Microsoft can’t resist throwing in some sour conditions. According to beta testers of the upcoming Xbox Live update, a price hike is imminent.

UK beta testers discovered the price changes and logged their findings on Reddit, noting a more than 30% increase in game prices. For example, 1200 Microsoft Points cost£9.99 in Britain, but in the new Xbox Live, games previously priced at 1200 Points will be cost at£11.99.

As you might expect, Microsoft will not be using its new values when it converts your existing Microsoft Points to real currency. If you currently have 1200 Points, you better spend them now, because once they’re converted to£9.99, you won’t be able to afford games you previously could. What Microsoft’s done, essentially, is ensure that whatever money you currently have saved in your Xbox Live account will be significantly devalued.

It’s currently unknown if a price raise will be seen in other territories, but look forward to it just in case.