Xbox One X updates roll out for Skyrim and Fallout 4


Primarily 4K support

Bethesda recently broke down its plans for Xbox One X support across a number of its games, including Wolfenstein II, The Evil Within 2, and Dishonored 2. One of the mild annoyances of owning the X (or the PlayStation 4 Pro) is knowing the exact benefits you’re getting in these sorts of updates since that information isn’t always available in one easy-to-glean spot. In this case, I appreciated the effort.

Today, two of the company’s bigger releases — Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4 — were updated.

For Skyrim, there’s 4K resolution support, which, simple enough. For Fallout 4, it’s 4K support and an enhanced draw distance for trees, grass, objects, and NPCs, as well as enhanced God Ray effects. (Worth mentioning: both of these games employ dynamic resolution scaling.)

If you’re curious, you can see a high-res image for the two titles here and here, respectively.

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