Xboxtopus: Xbox One supports eight controllers


At One-ce

At One-ce.

Some facts from the Xbox One product page, spotted by CVG, note that you can pair eight Xbox One controllers to a single console. This is an upgrade from the PlayStation 3’s seven and the Xbox 360’s four. No word yet on how many simultaneous controllers the PS4 will support.

It’s like cup holders in cars. Though I’m sure someone, somewhere, will eventually sync eight of those $60 bad boys up for something. Show of hands, who knows eight people currently planning to buy an Xbox One? I might pick up One of those fabulous controllers when it works with PCs. Then I will join this eight person Xbox One Voltron. Provided we’re playing something good.

What’s the largest amount of controllers you’ve paired to a system at any given time? I clock in at seven is PS Moves count, thanks to Joust. Because the One one-upped the PS3 in controller count, does the PS4 need to counter and announce it will support nine controllers simultaneously?

Xbox One will support eight controllers at once [CVG]