Xenoblade Chronicles 2 reconfirmed for this year by Nintendo


No one thinks this will make it in 2017

A few months back we got wind that Xenoblade Chronicles 2exists, and that it’s coming by the end of this year! Though I wouldn’t get too hyped up as we barely have any screens and under two minutes of gameplay to work with, leaving folks confused as to how far along in development Monolith Soft really is.

However, Nintendo sought to assuage its fans and investors this week with its earnings release, noting that Xenoblade Chronicles 2is still on track, and will still launch this year on the Switch. It’s entirely possible that Nintendo will make up for lost time at E3 with an explosive trailer and overview of some sort, but for now it’s a wait and see game.

That, or they’ll apologize profusely for a delay while they denysaid delay up until the last minute. It’s the Nintendo way.

Earnings Release [Nintendo]