XSEED registers domain linked with Senran Kagura series


Strange things are afoot at the Circle K

XSEED once referred to the prospect of publishingSenran Kaguraas “a scary proposition.” With concerns over how the series’ subject matter would be perceived in more conservative cultures like the United States, a Western release seemed like a long shot at best. And yet, it looks like the localization house might have worked up the courage to carry out such an undertaking.

The publisher recently registereda domain name referencing a locale from the games, the Hanzo National Academy.Furthermore, the company seems to be teasing something via Twitter. A tan colored square? What could it be? Perhaps it’s totally unrelated, but maybe, just maybe, XSEED is frying up a fat stack of pancakes.

XSEED teasing Senran Kagura localization? [Gematsu]