Yeah, so no EVE developers came close to beating MMA fighter Gunnar Nelson


What a shocker

This might blow some fragile minds, but none of the CCP developers who went up against undefeated MMA fighter Gunnar Nelson at the Fanfest ’14 EVEof Destruction event tasted the sweet nectar of victory. No one really came close. And, just between us, I don’t think Nelson was trying all that hard. Pathetic.

Close to a dozen challengers threw their best at Nelson one at a time, and then tapped out in predictable fashion. Twitch content director and former Destructoid all-star Jon Carnage even made a surprise cameo to try his hand. The crowd loved it, but even Carnage went down in order.

Even though it was clearly an exhibition spectacle, there was enough effort exhausted by the developers to keep it feeling like a semi-real event. Obviously Nelson wasn’t going to break anyone’s arm, but there were a few moments where it looked like someone could possibly get lucky. Then Nelson immediately assumed complete control because this must’ve been like playing a game with god mode enabled for him.

The night was greatly enhanced by the play-by-play commentator who legitimately had the audience in stitches the entire time. His comedic manner went great lengths to really underline how crazy the entire event was. By the time that the last fighter zip-lined in from the fourth floor balcony, it was cemented that EVE of Destruction had provided a lifetime’s worth of absurdity.

Photo: Brynjar Snaer and CCP Games