You can date Lolo from Klonoa in Namco High


Destructoid Exclusive

Shifty Look’s upcoming browser-based dating sim Namco High will welcome recurring Klonoa character Lolo to the cast. She has broke out to make guest appearances before (PS2 game Namco x Capcom), but now she’s going to school with other game characters in what’s sure to be her best role yet.

What Pumpkin, creative directors and art production on Namco High, are excited about putting Lolo in their crazy mashup: “Klonoa is a series we really like, and Lolo has a (spoilers!) character flaw built into the Klonoa series we felt would fit perfectly built upon in this type of game.”

Artist J.N. Wiedle is responsible for the Lolo rendition you see here.

Namco High is being headed up by Homestuck creator Andre Hussie, set to release before the holiday.