You could have your artwork featured in Udon's Capcom Fighting Tribute


Your sexy Zangief fan art could be in a book!

Udon Entertainment has been accepting submissions for its latest art book,Capcom Fighting Tribute. Professionals and fan artists alike are being asked to create tributes to Capcom’s many fighting game franchises. Udon has done similar projects in the past, including the Street Fighter Tribute and Darkstalkers Tribute, and it looks like this compilation will include artwork for both of those franchises and more. I’d like to see some Power Stone and Rival Schools artwork myself.

I’m a big fan of Udon’s books. The company always puts out thick, quality books with tons of beautiful art. I still have theOkami art book, and it’s one of the coolest books I own. I’d definitely recommend checking this one out if you’re a fan of Capcom’s fighting games.

The deadline was recently extended, meaning artists will have until February 9 to submit their work, so you’ve got more than a week left to prepare something if you’d like to have a chance at seeing it published. I know we have some really great artists here on Destructoid, and I bet some of you could make it in the book.

Udon has also been tweeting artwork from the two previous tributes to inspire artists, some of which is featured in the gallery below. Artists include Bryan Lee O’Malley, Cameron Stewart, J. Scott Campbell, Joe Vriens, Corey Lewis, Wendy Chew, Mike Krahulik, and more. Really cool stuff!

You can find more information and rules about submissions over at Udon’s blog.