You Don't Know Jack series arrives on Steam


Trivia game celebrates being old enough to vote with a reissue

I am a nut for pop culture trivia and, for my money, there’s no better trivia game experience in the digital space than You Don’t Know Jack. This year, the series celebrates its 18th anniversary and has finally arrived on Steam today with nineJacktitles, available individually or in a “Classic Pack” collection.

Individual games are priced at $2.99 (with the exception of YDKJ 6: The Lost Gold, which is only $1.99), while the full collection is available for $19.99, a savings of just under $6. That’s a tough call for me, as I’m not particularly interested in getting the Sports-themed iteration again nor the teen-focused Headrush.Then again I’ll almost certainly wind up just buying the rest of them anyway, so it seems just as reasonable to simply buy the pack and still save a couple of pennies despite not desiring everything in it.