You know who is on Sup Holmes? My mom (and Jeff Luke)


Get to know the people that make great videogames

This week on Sup Holmes we kick off WayForgust with Jeff Luke, director of WayForward’s upcoming Regular Show: Mordecai and Rigby in 8-bit Land. Legend has it that Jeff worked on such beloved DS titles as the Jim Sterling approvedLock’s Quest and the Jim Sterling not-as-approvedScribblenauts before leaving game development to work full time as a chef. If it weren’t for WayForward pulling him back into the industry, he may still be wearing a chef’s hat at this very moment. In fact, he may be wearing a chef’s hat anyway, because they look pretty good.

Jeff is also an accomplished singer, contributing to the soundtracks for Double Dragon: Neon and Mighty Switch Force 2. If all goes well, we’ll find a way to make use of those talents on this episode. Try requesting songs in the chat and we’ll do our best to accommodate. It all starts at 1pm PST/4pm EST, so be there or be square.

PS- My mom wont actually be on the show.