Your day will probably be a lot less stressful if you don't watch this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay demo


Fair warning

Layers of Fear 2is releasing sometime later this year, and it won’t be a pleasant time. It won’t be relaxing or peaceful or hospitable. Fortunately, the people who are eagerly awaiting Layers of Fear 2don’t want or expect any of those qualities.

Bloober Team has shared the official 13-minute gameplay demo that was playable at PAX East this past weekend. It’s a trip. It gets stressful within seconds, and it gets creepy within a couple minutes. Layers of Fear 2seems like a masterclass in atmospheric tension and dread.

This is a small sample size, however. Bloober Team has said Layers of Fear 2will be approximately twice as long as its predecessor, putting it somewhere in the 8-10 hour range. Even the strongest of nerves will become unsteeled.